I knew Billy from his time in Windsor & Katie too for that matter. We went to the same school, Charter's & socialised out of school. We played music together in a few bands up to probably my early 20’s. I hadn’t seen Billy for probably about 35 years but I only have good memories of Billy he was a lovely kind fella, I never saw him have a crossed word with anyone & he was great company. We used to hang out at the Ward Royal flat in Windsor quite a lot where Billy introduced to me Derek & Clive - is that banned now? I remember us all playing Risk (a board game) in the garage to the early hours of the morning & whenever I hear Supertramp it always reminds me of Bill. As I said we played in bands together & he was a great musician , he was the first person i knew to get a synth & I was always jealous of his Juno 6! They were great days in Windsor with both Billy & Katie. I know Billy will be sorely missed & my heart goes out to his family & Katie. Sadly I can’t be with you for the funeral but I hope it goes as well as can be expected & his memory is truly celebrated. Xx